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Alpine Metal Tech apprentices graduate with excellent success


[Translate to Englisch:] Lehrling Mechatronik

We are proud of our apprentices in the areas of mechatronics and office administration.

We congratulate our three apprentices, Thomas Berger (mechatronics incl. additional module), Hannah Ahorner (office) and Anna Starzer (office), on the successful completion of their apprenticeship.

All three passed their final apprenticeship exams with excellent results. Congratulations on this great achievement.


Since the beginning, Alpine Metal Tech GmbH has been training apprentices in technical and commercial areas such as metal technoauslogy, mechatronics, electrical engineering and as office clerks. Our apprentice trainers attach great importance teaching our apprentices all the important skills and abilities that are relevant for an excellent vocational training. They receive the best possible support from the apprentice trainers as well as from all colleagues. We are proud that in 2020 and early 2021, three apprentices were able to celebrate their apprenticeship graduation with us, despite difficult corona conditions. We are pleased that two of our former apprentices are still actively working with us, because it shows the great trust that is placed in us as a company. Ambition does not wane after the completion of an apprenticeship, either, and a large number of them are planning further training.

Our apprentices have many opportunities open to them after graduation, in line with the motto: "Your apprenticeship, your future". With an apprenticeship, our junior staff have laid a perfect foundation for their future and special achievements are also rewarded by us with great bonuses.

Congratulations to Thomas, Hannah and Anna! We wish them continued joy and success We are very proud of this achievement and look forward to continuing to build their professional careers together with the newly qualified.